To help me in my grieving over the end of the TV series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (RIP May 20, 2003), I played with dolls.

Here are some of the photos created by me and my Sister Barbette, Kelly.

Click on them to see a larger image.


1 2

3 4 5


6 7 8

1 -- The gang kicks vampire butt; 2 -- Bad Hair Willow and Bumpy Butt Vampire; 3 -- Buffy and Big Bad Boy; 4 -- Faith and recently severed vampire head about to go POOF; 5 -- Vampire crawling out of grave; 6 -- Buffy and Sleezy Vampire; 7-- more Buffy and Sleezy Vampire; 8 -- more Willow and vampires.